The CyberBuddy program makes use of Microsoft Agents to speak to you when certain events take place.
Microsoft® Agents are animated characters that can move around the screen and talk to you.. CyberBuddy will help you install them if you do not already have them on your system. There are hundreds of characters to choose from.
The CyberBuddy can:
* Keep reminders and get your attention when a reminder is due.
* Instant Message (like ICQ) with speech and animation.
* Send Voice Messages.
* Bring you the latest Headlines, in several news categories.
* Give you the local Weather.
* Tell you the time at designated intervals.
* Check Your Email - Up to 50 Mailboxes
* Get Stock Quotes - Reports when changes under/over limits.
* Check your favorite web pages for changes.
* Deliver RSS News Feeds.
* Keep track and report on your internet speed.
* Read text, web pages, documents or the clipboard to you.
* Give Jokes & Thoughts of the Day from other CyberBuddies.
* Filter Spam from email.
* Remember to give you a compliment.
* Let you have a little fun.
* Speech Recognition and Caller ID now available.