v4.1 [Aug 16, 2008]
- Further improvements in the RSS News Feeds.
- Minor changes in instant messaging.
- Better parsing of RSS News Feeds.
- Chat Improvements for reflector.
- improvements related to instant messaging
- fixed a bug for leap years in reminders
- a few fixes in the weather report
- A number of improvements made in the chat when using reflector.
- Fixed problem in deselecting CyberBuddy launch at startup.
- Don't give online / offline announcements if user is unchecked or chat is paused.
- If option was set to silence CyberBuddy at certain hours, sound effects would still be heard. - fixed
- "Block" button added to chat screen.
- CyberBuddy will now use some character's non-standard animations as well as standard animations.
- When a user was checked or unchecked in the Remote Chat Window, the status was not always recorded.
- Synchronizing in chat improved.
- Ping function in chat improved.
- Other changes and improvements.